Saturday, June 30, 2012
Hector Omana: Shirtless
Yadian Escalona Hernandez: In Swimwear
Marcus Duarte: Shirtless
Alberto Byers: In Casual Wear
Richard and Raymond Gutierrez: Twins
Daniel Cajiao: Shirtless
Angelo Maietta: In Casual Wear
Iris Reuben Adler Thomsen: In Swimwear
Lucas Malvacini: In Casual Wear
Friday, June 29, 2012
Tyler Scott: In Swimwear
Hideo Muraoka: SM Men's Fashion Model
Seth Kuhlmann: In Swimwear
Nitin Parashar: Shirtless
John Prats: Bench Model
Bo Roberts: In Swimwear
Gabriella Ferrari: In Swimwear
Beto Malfacini: In Casual Wear
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Andres Martin Rivero: In Swimwear
Daniel Kenji Matsunaga: SM Men's Fashion Model
Bruno di Angelis: In Swimwear
Nathan Ocampo: In Casual Wear
Daniel Padilla: Bum Model
Name: Daniel Padilla -Country: Philippines -Pinoy Actor and Singer -Photo Credit: Bum -All photos are copyright to its rightfulowners
Sally Aponte: In Swimwear
Matteo Guidicelli: Penshoppe Model
Jeremy Giralt: Shirtless
Name: Jeremy Giralt -Country: Costa Rica -Pageant Joined: Mr. Universitario Costa Rica 2012- First Runner Up - Photo Credits: -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.
TJ Wilk: In Swimwear
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sebastian Krausse: In Swimwear
William Albuquerque: Shirtless
Benjamin Tang: SM Men's Fashion Model
Anton Duvenhage: Shirtless
Vinicius Goutard: In Swimwear
The Animal
Barbara Turbay: In Casual Wear
Diego Otero: Shirtless
Abdullah Ejaz: Shirtless
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Manuel Pablo Tonido: In Casual Wear
Name: Manuel PabloTonido -Country: Philippines -Pageant Joined: Mr. Pogi 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.