Monday, August 2, 2004

Nazif Sevim: A Legend In Turkish Modelling World?

Nazif Sevim photo # 1 (Thanks to
Nazif Sevimphoto # 2

Nazif Sevim photo #3
Nazif Sevim photo #4

Nazif Sevim photo #5

Nazif Sevim Photo #6

Nazif Sevim is already considered a pillar in Turkish modelling world. Others considered him a superstar. It does not really take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Nazif has created a record that any young and aspiring Male Turkish models should emulate. Nazif Sevim was 2001 Best Model of Turkey. In the same year he was 2001 Azerbaycan Best Model. He is creme de la creme in the ramp as well as print at present. So it is not surprising that in the near future Nazif will be elevated In Turkish Modelling Hall of Fame.

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