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Talk Smart

Monday, November 21, 2005

Julian Bocchio: Mr. Universe Model Argentina 2011

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Julian Bocchio and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9Photo # 10Photo # 11Photo # 12I remember one Man Central reader ... asking me to feature models and men from countries like Afhganistan, Aruba, Argentina Albania, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Armenia, Algeir, and Azerbaijan (all starting with letter A's). The first time I read that I was taken aback for where do you think can I get photos of men in Afhganistan (Golly ... when I see these people in TV they look like they are always in their combat shoes with armalites on their side. Believe me I was really wondering if they have time to face klieg lights and the camera or have a taste for glamour for a change. If that is an understatement ... tell! The fact of the matter some of the nations who have war in their backyard should try pageants and swimwear competetions as a means for world peace. It may sound silly ...but we haven't tried this one ... it might work. Look at Lebanon, a country ravaged by war for decades now. And look at their men ... they are winning international competetions left and right! Believe me ... I haven't thought this for awhile ... but maybe their chances of making it more on the top of pageant's totem pole will be greater when the nation is at peace?
So I did my assignment , I was thinking Man Central is inclusive and I guess my ignorance of Afhganistan and their way of life will give me a big surprise... but until now I am still in search for that. I remember in Mr. Universe Model a few years back there was a candidate from Afhganistan ... and he's quite a looker himself .... in all fairness!
I tried looking for models from other peaceful nations so I can be fair with this avid reader who gave me this hard request, and I chance to see Julian Bocchio, Argentina's bet to Mr. Universe model 2011. The contest may have it's result now ... but giving credit to where credit is due ... Julian is quite a hunk. Win or loss ... he is a hunk in it's truest meaning! (Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.)

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