Monday, August 3, 2015

Kevin John Fichera: The Best of Both Worlds

The half's have it.  If you don't know what I mean check the results of Binibining Pilipinas 2015 and you will know what I am talking about. And with the twin victories of  Christi McGary (Miss Intercontinental Philippines 2015 ) and Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach (Miss Universe Philippines 2015) the question whether biracial candidates be allowed to represent the Philippines is creeping once again from the nay-sayers camp.
In Misters 2015 The Pageant , it's deja vu time because another half-Filipino-half-this-and-that-invasion is in the horizon what with 5 international communities being represented headed by Foreignoys  Kevin John Fichera of Italy, Ari Kane of Victoria, Rob Mcnamara of Australia, Siegfred Schmidt Bauer of Germany and Daniel Anthony Polbrat of Melbourne.
Among the locals in the competetion Marcel Stulir has Turkish blood, Karan Singhdole has Indian, Arcel Yambing has Chinese and the rest of the candidates may have Spanish or Indonesian blood in them. So what the heck are they grumbling about?
This has been an issue in the Philippines since time immemorial as critics keep on pounding the hallmark of Filipino beauty - black hair, tanned skin and a family name that is not too American or foreign sounding. But this line of thinking  is crazy ... nay PREPOSTEROUS ...  because Philippines is a melting pot of cultures and faces and I don't believe there is  a 100 percent pure Filipino anymore.
Having been colonized three times by Spain, America and Japan , and having trade partnerships  with China, India and Europe and don't forget Filipinos who are globe-trotting around the world ... what do we expect? Even the man sitting beside you who fit the standard black hair and olive skin mould may have Indonesian roots in them. 
And what's the big deal ...  even the powerhouse Venezuela and America have sent biracial candidates in international contests. Some of their winners have African, European even Mid-eastern pedigree. So who are we to complain?
I guess it is high time we have to change our opinion about what is 100 percent Filipino. It is not defined by the shape of their nose, or how they look or by their surnames. It should be defined by someone's love and passion for Philippines. That simple!
And having said that ... let us welcome Kevin John Fichera from the Filipino community in Italy.  Here's a short chat from Kevin.

Question 1. Introduce yourself. Who made the decision that you will join this contest: Your manager, Your parents or Yourself?

Answer: I am Kevin John Sawali Fichera, 20, born and raised in the Eternal City of Rome, Italy. My Mom is Filipina and is originally from Mabini, Batangas and my Italian Dad is now retired. I'm a shy type person at the first glance but when I get used to the person I am talking I can be talkative and funny. My Filipino side show a Kevin who loves to eat Filipino cuisine and do a lot of bonding with my cousins, My Italian side shows my biggest love and passion in playing football. I am also a big fan of A.S. Rome which is Rome's football team.
After winning the title of Mr. Bachelor Philippines-Italy 2015 last 31st of May, I knew I would be representing the Filipino Community of Italy to the upcoming Misters 2015 The Pageant. It is such a big responsibility for me to carry this title but it give me an enormous honor and pride. I am working hard with my preparation for the competition with the huge help from the Mister Bachelor Philippines-Italy Organization. Apart from that, there is a lot of support from my family, relatives, friends and different Filipino Communities here in Rome and around Italy. All of these are my greatest inspiration to do my best for Misters 2015 The Pageant.
Question 2. What do you like most about yourself?
Answer: What I like the most about my self is definitely being half Filipino and half Italian because both culture are very rich in their traditions. I find some similarities between the two... and I also saw the difference. So there are times I see myself vacillating from end of the spectrum to another. Quite challenging if I may add.
Question 3. What skills and talent do you have that makes you different from the rest of candidates.
Answer: What makes me different from other candidates in terms of skill or talent is that I am quite good at playing football. Being half Italian, I guess it's in our blood just like Filipinos like playing basketball. So yes, playing football for sure.
Question 4. What is SUCCESS to you?
Answer: For me success is happiness. When you are happy, you are successful. Whatever is your status in life ... as long as your are happy, that translates success in my memory bank..
Question 5. What sacrifices did you make joining this pageant?
Answer: I am actually not sacrificing anything big because I like what I am doing for the competition. But the preparation is eating about 80 percent of my time ... so travel plans and playing football were relegated to the side. It is summertime here in Italy and going to the beach with friends in some really nice places in southern Italy were the things I sacrificed and were sorely missed. I love travelling. Unfortunately I can't be with them at this time as I am busy attending my gym training and not to be ignored are the gatherings among the Filipino Communities I need to attend to.
Question 6. Who would you want to convince that you deserve a WIN in Misters of Pilipinas 2015 ... the board of judges or the audience?
Answer: I'd rather convince the judges because they are the very people who will decide my fate in the finals. That's what I did at the Mr. Bachelor Philippines-Italy 2015. I was not the crowd favorite at the time but winning the title is the start. And proving to everyone that I deserve it, the audience applause followed. It was extremely an amazing feeling to see the crowd clapping and shouting because I was the one who won.
Question 7. How do you see yourself ten years from now?
Answer: I prefer not to think that far. I live in the present, I bade goodbye to yesterday, and the future is still to come. I like living my life day by day but definitely I am preparing my self for a better future. I want to see myself ten years from now with a stable job, to be more prepared in putting up a family and be happy with what I am doing.

Well said Kevin!

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