Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mister International 2015: Highlights and Sidelights

November 30,2015 witness a slugfest in Mister International 2015 in Newport Performing Arts Theater as it featured a slew of first class caliber pageant candidates around the world who were aiming for their final shot of glory as they vie for the title of Mr. International 2015.  These highly regarded pageant candidates considered to be the penultimate in Mister International history, had countries fielded awesome Adonises giving you an eyeful and an eyefest. Yesireeee ... our eyes almost strained peering at these impeccable specimen of manhood ...  I saw myself having that bizarre feeling I was watching a tennis championship as my neck craned from one side to another just to catch a glimpse of men outdoing each other in stage.

Most pageant fans and pundits’ eyes were on Puerto Rico  Fernando Alvarez, Australia's Chris Nayna, Mexico's Alejandro Ruiz, Poland's  Rafal Jonkisz and Philippines Reniel Villareal ... as in their 2 week pre-pageant merry-go-round they were regarded as the men who would be King (one in the roster of many) to garner a title .... only to see pageant forecasts and prophecy and and their dreams dashed when they didn't make it to the elite Circle of Five. And  everyone, including myself believed they deserved a much better placements.  These men took the biggest bet of their life as there are only two RUDE results waiting –winning the title or making themselves contended with a runner up consolation price.

Anyways the resuts are in  and it's final:

* Pedro Mendes- Switzerland- Mister International 2015
* Anderson Tomazini- Brazil- First Runner Up
* Sang- Jin Lee- Korea- Second Runner Up
* Julian Torres- Panama- Third Runner Up
* Jakub Kraus- Czech Republic - Fourth Runner Up

Special Awards are: 

* Edwin Aw- Singapore- Mr. Congeniality International 
* Alejandro Ruiz- Mexico - Mr. Photogenic International
* Reniel Villareal -Philippines -Best In National Costume
Runners Up:
* Kenny Austin- Indonesia- 
* Rafael Angelucci- Venezuela

 Highlights and Sidelights:
1. Freshmen performed a mini-concert of sort. The pageant is supposed to start 7 PM and the curtain opened one hour later.
2. One hour is too  long a wait we while our time watching who's going out with who and who went out with whom.  Indeed last night was an opportuned time for women and we(men) alike to parade  their handsome escorts that made the unescorted jealous and envious to the max.
3. That Freshmen mini-concert gave us also time to ogle on what seems to be like a Fashion Week as men and women sashayed and strut their wares and wardrobes like there's no tomorrow.  Rampa doon at rampa dito ang ginawa nila  para lang mapansin.
4. That one hour long of waiting gave me the chance to say hi and hello to Misters 2015 The Pageant candidates. whom I featured in this blog.  John Edgar Adajar was dashing in his outfit He has the looks and charisma and I guess Carlo (Misters head honcho) is just waiting to field him in future international pageant assignment.
5 He was joined later by other Misters alumni Richard Domingo and Jake Camarines for a photo op. Willan Pagayon was with another group. I learned from him that Arcel Yambing Judah Cohen and him is now managed by Miss Preciousa Medina for Gentleman of the Philippines.
6. When the light was dimmed before the show started, there was a mad rush as
ticket holders from the back section moved forward and occupied vacant seats in front. We were in the league of the privileged and the blessed with that transfer as we could almost smell and feel the candidates.
7. We heard Ryan Tercero voice warming up at the backstage. Then he started introducing the host of the show: "Ladies and gentleman please welcome your host for tonight Ryan Tercero and Stephanie Stefanowiecz ...!"  We almost die laughing because he did made a thunderous intro to himself ... and somebody in front asked innocently " Pwede ba yon?"
8. The  opening number surpassed the opening of any male pageants in the past combined. I should know because I have a collection of tapes of every known male pageant, except maybe for Mr. Venezuela series whose opening numbers are well-rehearsed and well-thought of, something all organizers should emulate.
9. Neil Perez showed his terpsichorean skill in the opening salvo ... and boy ... he can dance too. Neil answered he wants to go back to being Mamang Pulis at the end of his term. Doesn't he like showbiz?  He already started it when he did Deal or No Deal in ABS CBN.  He can be a good addition to Coco Martin's hit teleserye Probinsyano.
10. Kudos should be given to Carlo Galang and his ilk for their effort in making the opening production number explosive. There was a lot of energy, the enormous flags being waved around looked like a confetti. It just dazzled the eyes and soothes the mind. 
11. When Mexico  introduced himself, Myanmar introduced himself at the same time in the other microphone. Mexico was in the TV screen but his introduction was drowned by the voice of Myanmar. Myanmar's face never saw the daylight and was never recorded. It was his fault, not Mexico's. 
12. The national costume parade was just short of spectacular. Reniel Villareal costume is reminiscent of the costume of Joseph Doruelo in Mr. Global 2015 with a few changes and modifications  to make it look new. One wonders if Binibining Pilipinas became a bad example to the Misters when they started making their representatives wear hand me down gowns and national costumes.
13. Francis Libiran Fashion Show segment gave us an eyeball of finesse, elegance and sophistication. Everybody was on their best ... wala kang itulak kabigin.
14. The flow of the show on the first half was tolerable with video clips acting like a bridge from one segment to another.  However if you have seen and viewed the clips in the internet it becomes repetitious and annoying as it got stretched to almost midnight.
15. -Kenny Austin (Indonesia) has a lot of Filipino fans too. The audience chants Indonesia every time  Kenny shows up in stage. When the finalists were announce he was dwarfed as he was sandwiched by Tower of Power Switzerland and Spain,making somebody asked, 'What is this kid doing in the company of adults? In fairness to Kevin he has Filipino size and beauty making him the darling of the crowd.
16. When the 15 finalist were announced, my heart bleeds with the exclusion of Poland, France, Belgium, Dominican Republic, Italy and Colombia. I was already happy with the 15 called except maybe for Korea (no offense to you sir ... it is just my preference!) Indeed there just a  deluge of worthy candidates this year, and the most fit is the last man standing.
17. The Top ten were announced next. Again I could feel the pain of Spain and Mexico getting axed. If I could only have one wish.... I wish I could give 18 Mr. International title this year.  I wlll declare this 18 candidates winners all... a first in pageant history. And this one is for Ripley don't you think?
16. Fernando Alvarez swan song almost made me sob. It was the most poignant, and the most touching part of the show, when he waves goodbye and made his last bow and respect to his Filipino fans in the audience. Reniel Villareal bowed his head too trying to gather and muster enough strength to lighten up a bit.  It is quite ironical that this two have been touted to fight mano-a-mano in this contest, and in the end they end supporting and consoling each other. Hat's off ako sa inyo!
17. The Q and A portion became the Achilles heel of the show. The need for an interpreter became a nagging issue in this segment when one judge asked a question and a fellow judge coming to her rescue when he sensed it will go downhill. Nice try Anmer Paredes for helping, we appreciate that. But it looked like your interpretation became more convoluted as he himself  was  gasping for the right words to say, Pheew!
18. Another booboo  was when Miss Vietnam  was reading her question in English and the candidate including the audience barely understood her. When Vice Ganda read the question in her behalf , (correct me if I am wrong), but it looked like the thought being asked by Miss Vietnam the first time we heard her is exactly the opposite to the thought when Vice read the question for her. Another classic case when the message lose or change its meaning when translated or when the speaker could not enunciate the words well. Pheeew!
19. Somebody forgot to turn on the time limit for Mr. Korea Q and A segment.  He had an extra time to add more to his answers, unluckily he doesn't have anything more to add. Confusing?
20. Julian Torres was just so cute flashing the heart sign using his fingers on stage.  You can't help but love him some more.
21. Is Anderson Tomazini shy or bashful?  I heard some people in the audience saying he is covering his crotch with his two hands in the swimwear competition.To which I say, "I don't think so. If you notice he was doing the same thing in the formal wear. Maybe it just his habit. The man is confident and well-assured if I may add.
22. Chris Nayna almost passed out on stage. I was wondering if they were given food before the show or they can eat only after the show is over? Since the show dragged to almost midnight.what can we expect even if the person involved is Superman (his monicker in this pageant). And irony of ironies it happened to  Chris who was a registered nurse. He should know better -hypoglycemia and all.
23. I am very happy that Pedro Mendes and Anderson Tomazini made it as the last two men standing.  But I will be more happy if Francisco Alvarez and Reniel Villareal complete the formidable cast of five. By now it is just a wishful thinking.
24. Pedro Mendes was stunned and speechless when his name was called. Everybody flocked to him and the first one to do that was his buddy Lebanon.  I heard both of them has a common language ... and they bonded pretty well.
25. Puerto Rico and a few others were conspicuously absent in their last family shot. No .... there was no walk out as others peddled it to be. Fernando is a good sport and he shows good breeding even in defeat.
26.  I saw AR de la Serna On our way out. I told him I am Man Central and he gave me that impish grin ... Tito Butch! AR is really towering and give him some time to develop some more muscles here and there and he is hard to beat come Misters 2016. 
27. Neil showed up for photo op in the last minute and he thanked our group for being there and giving him support. I also express to him my appreciation for welcoming the candidates in the airport. His presence would mean a lot for the candidates, especially with the laglag-bala  syndrome afflicting NAIA which is by now reaching it's feverish peak. (Photos by Joy Arguil and Drew Francisco)

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