Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Man of the Year 2017 In Swimwear

 India, Alester D'Souza
 Indonesia, Oki Trisuhandi
 Malaysia, Ady Fakaruddin
 Myanmar, Mung Aung
Nepal, Dhruba Budhathoki 

The candidates of Man of the Year 2017  knew the day was coming: the day of the big race. They've been having butterflies in their stomach and they have hit the gym and made it their home. Two nights ago they have carbo-loaded with a low-fat pasta dinner. For the last two days junk food has been off-limits. The food they ate were healthful, to say the least easily digestible food. 

Last night they did ate some rice and chicken. And they made sure they're fat-free. And nobody did  eat cookies for dessert? Obviously not! They only had fruit. Nothing was going to get between them and their day of victory.

So did all candidates did their homework and had prepared much for the much dreaded swimwear photoshoot? Man Central and Pageant Overload readers will be the judge if they did!

 Netherlands, Aryon Levi Kasanrokyat
 Philippines, Issa Janda
 Spain, Oscar Alonso Ortiz
 Sri Lanka, Pravèn Dhanasékara
 Thailand Parinya Yaochueang
Vietnam, Tran Thai Nhut 

 Taiwan, Sheng Fu Wang
Czech Republic, Lukáš Lesák

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