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Monday, August 20, 2018

Man of The World Now A Major Pageant

The pageant world is indeed full of unexpected surprises. In male pageantry alone in the Philippines, if you don't pay attention chances are what you are writing in your blog the next morning is old news. And if you are not careful ... you can be accused of espousing or promoting fake news. 

In the last 12 months ...there seems to be a 'rigodon de honor dance' permeating in the air and the pageant industry was not exempted.  What used to be yours ... will just fly out of the window the next day... just like that. I can't just imagine the behind the scenes drama in the transition.

Take for instance PEPPS/Misters of Filipinas/Man of the World under head honcho Carlo Morris Galang. The organization use to crown Manhunt International, Mr. International, Mr. Supranational- all big pageants in one umbrella. Sir Carlo lost Manhunt International to Jonas Gaffud last year and this year, Mr. Supranational  ay lumipat bakod to Arnold Vegafria (shades of ABS CBN and GMA's tug of war). This leaves Sir Carlo with two minor pageants- Man of The Year and Mr. Universe Tourism. Quite disheartening ... but life has to move on.

I was also shocked to know Mr. Philippines who used to send candidates for Mr. Global had a change of heart and now the Mr. Global candidate is now under the aegis of Mr. Global Bachelors.  Mr. Philippines suddenly had a change in management and now they are fielding representatives for Mr. Grand Universe. Is that the same as Mr. Grand International - somebody asked. Maybe it is another contest .... again. But wait isn't it there were two Mr. Grand International last year ... one from Philippines and the other one in Brazil? Confusing huh?

I don't blame Sir Carlo for creating an international pageant in Man of the World and concentrating more on Misters of Filipinas.  It was a genius move ... for who can take a pageant from right under his nose -eh pag-aari ni Sir Carlo yon aber?

On it's second year Man of the World has blossomed into a butterfly that it is now. From its cocoon ... the larvae started to spread it's wings with a very smart tagline for its battle cry: MASCULINITY WITH RESPONSIBILITY! And from where it is now, there is no looking back ... it has manage to elbow lesser known male pageants whose creators unknowingly has forgotten to pepper their pageants with a pinch of advocacy.

Life indeed is full of unexpected surprises. There are many opportunities when one can secretly wish for something exciting to happen – something out of the ordinary. The real surprise is when the wish unexpectedly comes true.

And the surprise? Missosology recently has elevated Man of the World as one of the six Major Male Pageants. It is now standing side by side with Mr. World, Mr. International, Manhunt International, Mr. Supranational and Mr. Global.

I am happy for you Sir Carlo. All I can do right now is wait for the winners of Misters of Filipinas 2018 and I can't wait what magic and tricks are up in your sleeves to improve Man of the World 2019.  That agreement with ABS CBN really excites me more than ever.

Meanwhile these are the reasons for the meteoric rise of Man of the World. The Missosologists said it ... and thanks to them a new relevant male pageant is taking its bow. Take the lead and spread the NEWS. Here's what they say:

"After a long, well-thought-out and tireless process & deliberation, Missosology would like to announce that the Man of the World pageant is now officially a major international male pageant. Proper recognition should be given to this notable pageant which excelled at a level considerably higher above all other contests. With its strong advocacy "promoting education through masculinity with responsibility," fantastic organization, great infra-tructure, countless cultural and tourist activities, a very entertaining and well-produced final event, and overall fair results make Man of the World one of the most important and well organized male pageants on the planet today."

"Man of the World introduced the multi city hosting last year when Man of the World made partnership with 5-6 cities during the entire pageant period. This year is not an exception, the pageant travels to the most diverse cities and municipalities in the Philippines to bring the pageant closer to the community and promote its pageant cause. Arrivals, early activities and Fashion of the World competition were held in Quezon City, National Costume Competition and Talent Competition in the Art Capital of the Philippines – Angono, Rizal, Formal Wear and Fashion Wear competitions in Tarlac City, Swimwear and Resort Wear Competitions in the Municipality of Pantabangan with newly built premier Highland Bali Villas and Resort as back drop and finally in San Juan City for the World Finals. 

Over 400 technical staff and production crew worked during the finals night alone excluding dancers and performers. 

During our coverage we were also seeing candidates enjoying Man of the World kits, with Man of the World branded logo such as shorts, swimwear, shirts, bags and even caps

Man of the World candidates treated as VIP as they visit different places in the Philippines and has full support and security from the Philippine National Police. Elite security and Highway Patrol Group were always present to escort the candidates in all travel and activities. 

There were some pageants for people with disabilities but we never saw candidate with disability joining regular pageant embraced by the candidates and organizers. Deaf Juan Carlos Cabrera from Lima – Man of the World Peru made history as the first Man of the World with disability to compete in this pageant. He made it not top 10 and very proud of his accomplishment. He was well received and respsected by the candidates and organizers. 

One of the advantages of Man of the World is its advocacy of promoting education thru its “Masculinity With Responsibility” campaign. Last year, Tifa Elizale of Egypt made exceptional work in promoting pageant cause and touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and students during his “Man of the World In Action Tour”. This year Cao Xuan Tai will continue this legacy. Before going back to Vietnam, Cao Xuan Tai visited students of San Juan City as start of his work in promoting the pageant cause. He will also embark in a series of work related to education and tourism as he arrived in his home country.

We thought that introduction of Medal and singing of national anthem of the winning candidate during the preliminary events is too much and inappropriate but everything changed when we saw how proud those winning candidates singing their national anthem and waving their flags with tears of joy.

Aside from Missosology, MAN OF THE WORLD announced the partnership with ABS CBN - the largest entertainment and media conglomerate in the Philippines. It has also strong presence in the most populated Filipino communities abroad in Americas, Middle East and Asia Pacific thru TFC. ABS-CBN covered Man of the World as part of their original online content show that will be launched soon. The strategic partnership between ABS-CBN and MOTW underscores the vision to make Man of the World available online to more worldwide audience. This will be available online SOON and will include Man of the World journey from start to finish, including the preparations of candidates up to the finals." 

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