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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Pageant Finals: Miss World 1999

The winners of Miss World 1999 from left to right:Sonia Raciti- South Africa- 2nd Runner up, Yukta Mookhey-India- Miss World 1999, and Martina Thorogood- Venezuela- Firsat Runner Up. (Photo Credits: all photos are copyright to its rightful owners.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Glenn del Rosario: In His Different Moods!

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Glenn del Rosario and his websites)Photo #2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9

Name: Glenn del Rosario -Age 24 years old -Birthdate: September 5, 1984 Place of Residence: Binan Laguna -Height: 5 ft and 9 inches -Waist: 30 -Hair: Black -Eyes: Black -University: U-Phil Laguna, DLSU -Educatioal Attainment: BS Respiratory Therapist -Work: Model, Respiratory Therapist -Hobbies: Playing guitar, eat and sleep -Interests: Computers -Male Pageants Joined and Awards:-Mr. Perpetual Help 2004-Winner -Mr. Pogi 2004-Finalist -Style Eyecatcher Model Search 2007- First RU -Most Promising Filipino Model 2008-Second RU -Face Of Logic Clothing- Winner -Most Promising Filipino Model: Mr. Photogenic -Photo Credits: -Ian Felix Alquiros-Zeff Alfeche:  -All photos are coyright to its rightful owner.

Dino Bubicic and Martin Martinov: Back to Back

Photo # 1 Thanks to Dino Bubicic and his websites)Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 8
Name: Dino Bubicic
Age: 27 years old
Height: 191
Language: Croatian and English
Sports: Football
Hobbies: going to gym
Ambition: To have his own business
Motto: Treat others as you would like to be treated
His best qualities: honesty, benovolence, perseverance
Favorite Movie: Legends of The Fall
Favorite Sports Car: BMW Sports
Preparation for Mr World:
- studying Korean culture
- going to the gym everyday
Male Pageants Joined:
-Mr Croatia 2009
-Mr. World 2010
Photo Credits:
All photos are copyright to its rightful owners

Martin Martinov: Mr. World Bulgaria 2010
Photo # 1 (Thanks to Martin Martinov and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7
Name: Martin Martinov -Age: 23 years old -Height: 187 -Education: Degree in Biology and Chemistry
Hobbies: attending acting classes, and i love boxing -Sports: Tennis, football -Motto: "If you are not part of the greats, you've got to be the greatest yourself" Preparation for Mr. World: -going to the gym 6 times a week -playing beach soccer and volleyball -jogging Best Thing About Himself: positivity and optimism
Ambition: to become an actor -Favorite Film: 8th Mile, Any Given Sunday -Favorite Sports Car: Aston Martin One 77 Male Pageants Joined: -Mr. Bulgaria 2009 -Mr. World 2010 -Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Michael De Jesus: A Midas Touch Courtesy Of MJ Cachero!

Photo # 1 (Thanks to MJ Cachero and his friend Michael De Jesus)Photo #2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6


MJ Cachero consider this to be his greatest achievement ... surviving the last four years of his
career, and today being his birthday, he is hoping he can do more.

MJ is passionate about his work, and he is putting his 100 % in all his endeavors. He treat his shoot, like it is his last and once he put his imprimatur in every picture he made, you could almost smell the sweat he has to shed to come up with postcard-pretty masterpieces.
He is a model photographer too. He is fussy and meticulous ... precise and fastidious, but that's the reason why he is among the best in the business. He squeeze his models like orange and lemon, and he can goad you to catatonia to perfect a mood or an angle.

On his birthday, MJ would like to count his blessing and become magnanimous while he still at it. He want to start by thanking all of you who appreciated his work, the people who worked with him: the make up artists, the stylists, the models, his co-photographers and most of all - his fans and believers. You are the ones that appreciate his work more than anybody does.
You lauded his work ... and you praise them to high heavens. You give him a two thumbs up ... you clapped and applauded him as if wanting to ask for an 'encore' for a job well done. The commendation and the adulation is overflowing.

You constantly remind him of how good the shot was ... and you told him of what he can do ... and is capable of doing.

Thank you for the time ... and the effort... the commitment and the confidence ... and the patience that you have given him in every project. And thank you for the words that boost and cheer ... and the messages of encouragment that soothes his bruised soul, knowing how grueling and nerve-wracking shoots can be.
He promised he will try to live up to your expectations ... and will give you more surprises!

Joshua Dalmau: Mr. World Puerto Rico 2010

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Joshua Dalmau and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9Photo #10Photo # 11Photo # 12Photo # 13Photo # 14Name: Joshua Louis Dalmau
Age: 25
Height: 191
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Language Spoken:
-English, Spanish, Portuguese
Hobbies: Salsa Dancing, goin to the beach
Sports: Basketball
Education: Degree in Business Administration
and major in Management
Work: Currently working at JC Penny Store
Ambition: To become a lawyer
Motto: "Be real ... today, tomorow, as always"
Male pageants Joined:
-Mr. PuertoRico 2009
-Mr. World 2010
Preparation for Mr. World:
-Going to the gym
-Practicing my projection in runway
-Learning Korean culture
Biggest Talent- Sports especially basketball
His best Quality: Discipline
Favorite Film: Saw 1
Favorite Sports Car: Audi Sports
Photo Credits:
-Hector Joaquin: www.hectorjoaquin.com/
-Mr. World Puerto Rico
-Hector L. Febus Photography
-Mr. Puerto Rico Beauty Journal
-Fashion News
-All photos are copyright to their rghtful owners

Monday, March 28, 2005

Jeffrey Rejuso: Happy Birthday!

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Jeffrey Rejuso)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9
Name: Jeffrey Rejuso
Height: 6 ft.
Work: Model, Actor
Nationality: Filipino
Product Endorsements: Page Jeans
Male Pageants Joined: Circle of Ten 2007
Titles Won:
-Circle of Ten 2007- Winner
-Page Jeans Image Model 2008
Had Photo Shoots With:
-Jay Javier
-Doc Carlo Nasol
-Robin Jose
-Jojit Lorenzo
-Bambam Ramirez
Photo Credits:
-Doc Carlo Nasol- Carlo Nasol Photography
-Dog Pound Crew
-Jeffrey Rejuso- http://zeroti.multiplycom/
-All photos are copyright to their rightful owners.
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The goal of Pageant Junkie is to immortalize you and your participation in any local, national or international pageant or modelling competition by using the best photographs you have in your term. We don't claim ownership of your photos, we merely used them to make you look better as we placed you side by side with the world's best. Pageant Junkie is who's who in the pageant world who's who in the modeling world, who's who in the movie world. We don't want you to look mediocre so we search the net far and wide and we selected the best pictures of you or your candidates. We want to sing hossana and alleluia to your name, and maybe ... place your legacy (your beautiful pictures) in this blog for everybody to see and for the next generation to look back to and cherish. To pageant organizers and photographers... thank you for your support. If there are people we miss and there are people who needs to be credited, email the names to us, and we will gladly add the name next to the picture. We are not getting anything from this. It is a labor of love! So let us continue supporting what is beautiful ... and who is the beautiful!


All photos and movies you see in this blog are not MINE. They were taken from the internet and are regarded as public domain. In case of copyright infringement, please contact me and I will delete the mentioned images right away.

All visual content is copyright to its rightful owners. Information in this blog may contain errors or inaccuracies and the site proprietors do not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site pronouncements.

This is a blog dedicated to hot young pageant candidates, actors, models and athletes all over the world. No nudes, no porn and no vulgar and below the belt comments. Only beautiful and tasteful photos and videos.

If anybody has an issue about his/her photos posted in this blog, you can write me and we will remove them right away. We are also more than happy to give credit to the photographers who did the photos.
