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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Pageant Candidates: Mister Spain 2009 Part2

Photo # 1 Mr. Zaragoza- Guillermo GarciaPhoto # 2-Mr. Palencia- Luis Miguel ReyPhoto # 3- Mr. Tarragona- GervaMogioPhoto # 4- Mr. Leon-Juan Dos SantosPhoto # 5-Mr. Malaga- Juan Carlos MorejonPhoto # 6- Mr. Jaen- Pedro LopezPhoto # 7- Mr. Lugo- Jacobo- GonzalezPhoto #8 - Mr. Toledo- Alfredo DomenechPhoto # 9- Mr. Sevilla- Jose Enrique MartinPhoto # 10- Mr. Tenerife- Alexis DiazPhoto # 11- Mr. Navarra- Daniel RivasPhoto # 12- Mr. Madrid- Ramon Punet

In this group Man Central has predicted ad vowed support to two candidates. They are Mr. Zaragoza Guilermo Garcia and Mr. Madrid Ramon Punet. Both have been the toast of the Spanish fans from the get go ... especiallyRamon Punet who has already made a name for himself even before the contest starts. One thing that prevented him from winning are the previous winners of Mr. Spain who for two consecutive years broke the record and has thrown the myth to the window saying that you can't win it twice or thrice in the row. Luis Munoz Mr. Madrid won as Mr. Spain in 2007 and Juan Manuel Montalvo another Mr. Madrid won Mr. Spain in 2008.

Guillermo Garcia took note and to his advantage turned the table upside down and eventually became Mr. Spain 2009. Guillermo is 23 ears old and won over his fiercest 51 rivals held at glittering rite at Princesa Yaiza Suite and Resort at Playa Blanca Lanzarote Spain last Nov 28,2009. He will represent Spain at Mr. World 2010.

Other runnerups are: Mr. Malaga-Juan Carlos Morejon (first RU) and Mr. Sevilla- who is another prepageant favorite Jose Enrique Martin (2nd RU). Included in the top six finalists are Mr.Madrid-Ramon Punet, Mr. Granada-Alberto Javier Martinez and Mr. Leon Juan Dos Santos.
Special awards goes to Mr. Salamanca-Eduardo Gonzalez- Mr. Elegancia; Mr. Pntevedra-David Espinosa asMr. Congeniality(Mr. Simpatia) and Mr Zamora Felix Sanchez as Mr. People's Choice (Mr. Favorito delPublico.)

Pageant Candidates: Mr. Spain 2009 Part1

Photo # 1 Mr Granada- Alberto Javier MartinezPhoto # 2 - Mr. Cantabria- Francisco RuizPhoto # 3- Mr. Cordoba- Manuel GranadosPhoto # 4- Mr. Alicante-Jose OliverPhoto # 5- Mr. Ciudad Real- Sergio FrancoPhoto #6- Mr. Caceres- Nicolas FerreiroPhoto # 7- Mr. Asturias- Eugenio SantamariaPhoto # 8- Mr. Bizkaia- Diego LorenzoPhoto # 9-Mr. Avila- Yeray BetancortPhoto # 10-Mr. Las Palmas- Fernando SantanaPhoto #11-Mr. Guadalajara- Juan Daniel PortalesPhoto # 12- Mr.Huelva- Israel Rodriguez

Mr. Espana 2009 has been the most awaited male pageant there is beside the annual Mr. Handsome Venezuela. Aside from attracting candidates from all the cities and towns in Spain, just like Miss Spain, the local grassroots organizers all over the country combs every nooks and corners of their areas to find who will represent their city in the national contest. The preparation is long and well thought of, that is why seeing the contest year in and year out, you will be awed by the 50 or more candidates of high quality and their local training paid off. And it shows!

In this group we have made already a feature on one candidate which even as early as April ... we thought has a strong chance to make it to the finals. His name is Fernando Santana. If you want to see his feature click APC-Fernando Santana at the bottom side of the blog.

Ngo Tien Doan: New Photos

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Ngo Tien Doan and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9Photo # 10 These are the new photos of Ngo Tien Doan- Mr. Vietnam 2007 who competed in Manhunt Internatinal 2007 and end up as semifinalist. He tried his luck again in 2008 and this time he won Mr. International 2008. These photos were taken in Thailand for a certain magazine. Photo Credits: Haruchun A.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Jennifer Hawkins: Headshot

Name: Jennifer Hawkins -Country: Australia -Pageants Joined: Miss Australia 2004-Winner, Miss Universe 2004- Winner -Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Carlos Alberto Martinez:Mr. Universe Model Margarita Island 2011

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Carlos Alberto Martinez and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9Photo # 10Photo # 11The blue and azure skies of the Dominican Republic became the backdrop of the photoshoot done for Margarita Island Mr. Universe Model 2011 candidate Carlos Alberto Martinez. The scorching heat and the beach smokin-hot sands became lone witness to how Carlos enjoyed the shoot and boy ... how he love the attention.

Pageant Candidates: Mr. Brazil 2011 Group 2

Photo # 1- Bahia-Caian Souza SilvaPhoto # 2- Ilha de Portorto Belo- Edu LocatelliPhoto #3- Sao Pedro & Sao Paulo- Ricardo MagrinoPhoto # 4-Brunno GuerreiroPhoto # 5- Distrito Federal- Cesar CurtiPhoto # 6-Amazonas-Dan AlmeidaPhoto # 7- Maranhao-Thiago TricaricoPhoto # 8- Ilhas de Florianopolis- Henrique NuhrichPhoto # 9-Parana-Tiago ZwienerPhoto # 10- Ilhas do Delta Jacui-Gustavo Martins Schmitt
Heres another set of candidates for Mr. Brazil 2011. Have you pick your favorites yet? Get a group and discuss the candidates ASS-ets and liabilities. Maybe that will help. (Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.)
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