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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jesse Metcalfe: In Casual Wear

Name: Jesse Metcalfe -Country: United States of America -Work: Model, Actor TV Assignments: Desperate Housewives -Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Paulo Cesar Sales: Manhunt International Brazil 2007

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Paulo Cesar Sales and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3
Name: Paulo Cesar Sales
Age: 18 years ( during the contest)
Height: 180 cms
Weight: 160 lbs
Nationality: Brazilian
Work: Student and model
Male Pageants Joined:
-Manhunt Brazil 2007
-Manhunt International Brazil 2007
Photo Credits:
-Manhunt International Organization
-All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Al Santos: In Casual Wear

Name: Al Santos -Country: United States of America- He is of Portuguese descent. Work: Actor and Model -Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Pageant Candidates: Mr. Handsome Venezuela 2007 Part 2

Mr. Peninsula Paraguana- Juan Carlos Godoy Mr. Nueva Esparta- Ranzeet Coronado
Mr. Monagas- Alejandro Bonzenetti Mr. Miranda- Andres Navarro
Mr. Merida- Alejandro Fernandes Mr. Lara- Daniel Aldana
Mr. Guarico- Freddy Ramirez Mr. Falcon- Zavier Lugo
Mr. Distrito Capitol- Will Villoria Mr. Dependencia Federales- Angel Diaz

The awesome and oozing cadidates of Mr. Handsome Venezuela 2007. Who is your pick? Please let us know. (photo Credits: Mr. Handsome Venezuela, Mr. Alberto Maneiro Restrepo and Julio Rodriguez)

Pageant Candidates: Mr. Handsome Venezuela 2007

Mr. Amazonas- Rafael Naranjo (Thanks to Julio Rodriguez and Alberto Maneiro Restrepo) Mr. Anzoategui- Antonio Velasquez
Mr. Delta Amacuro- Felix Quintana Mr. Costa Oriental- Maickel Escobar
Mr. Cojedes- Oscar Ortiz Mr. Carabobo- Ruben Montes de Oca
Mr. Bolivar- Daniel Martinez Campos Mr. Barinas- Angel Casallas
Mr. Aragua- Rafael Huggins Mr. Apure- Jesus Gutierrez

By the time you read this, the winner Of Mr. Handsome Venezueala is maybe out in the open. You may have your own favorites, which is maybe totally different with mine, but we all agreed that Venezuela is considered NUMERO UNO as far as beauty pageant results is concerned, male and female pageants combined. Is it the genes? Or is it the intellegence? Or is it pure luck? Nobody knows. But what we all know is that Venezuela beauty organizers is always right in choosing their delegates. Aside from the beauty of their candidates, they have the drive to do what it takes to win pageants. They have the right attitude and everything boils down to hardwork, diligence and the determination to improve ones personality.

To Julio Rodriguez, Alberto Maneiro Restrepo, Belleza Venzolana and the rest of the guys out there behind Miss or Mr. Venezuela, you deserved a tap in the shoulder for being the MOST CONSISTENT in terms of productivity and accomplishments. You really deserved to be number 1 beauty factory..

Monday, August 27, 2007

Jurica Butorac: Mr. Handsome International 2006

Jurica Butorac photo # 1 (Thanks to Julio Rodriguez and company) Jurica Butorac photo #2

Jurica Butorac photo # 3 Jurica Butorac photo # 4

Jurica Butorac photo # 5 Jurica Butorac # 6

Jurica Burorac photo # 7 Jurica Butorac photo # 8
Jurica Butorac is from Slovenia and the first Eastern European country to win Mr. Handsome International title. After an enjoyable week in the sands of the Caribbean seas , with his towering height he after a brusing mano-a-mano with Venezuelas Gerardo Munoz who everybody thought would clinched the title, persevered and eventually made it in the end.. The other big title of the night went to formidable Gerardo Munoz who also took Mr. Hot Bikini. Italy was 1st runner up and brought home "Mejor Bronceado" award. Colombia was second runner up and took the Mr. Physical Fitness honors.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Henry Licett: In Swimwear

Name: Henry Licett -Country: Venezuela -Pageant Joined: Mr. Handsome Venezuela 2007
-Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Luis Martinez: In Swimwear

Name: Luis Martinez -Country: Costa Rica   -Pageant Joined: Mr. Universitario Costa Rica 2007- Winner- Photo Credits: -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Aldrich Poblete: The Man Behind The Glasses

Photo #1 (Thanks to Aldrich Poblete and his websites) Photo #2 Photo # 3 Photo # 4 Photo # 5 Photo # 6 Photo # 7 Photo # 8 Photo #9 Photo # 11 Photo # 12
Name: Aldrich Poblete
Nickname: Chiro
Age: 23 years old
Height: 5 ft and 7 inches
Weight: 120 lbs.
Nationality: Filipino
Interests: Loves taking photos and videos, travelling, ramp modelling,
photoshoots, acting and performing, listening to music
Places visited and lived: Guam, Germany, Philippines, Luxemburg. Korea
Fashion Shows Involved: Sabella Beat The Summer Heat at SM Dasmarinas
Photo Credits:
-Aldrich Poblete: http://xploda.multiply.com/
-Stan Ong
-The Great Image

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pageant Finals: Mr. Brazil 2007

The winners of Mr. Brazil 2007 from left to right: Alan Martini-Mr. Brazil International 2007; Lucas Gil- Mr. Brazil World 2007 and Thiago Testoni - Mr. Brazil Manhunt 2007.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rustam Jabrailov: Shirtless

Name: Rustam Jabrailov -Country: Azerbaijan -Pageant Joined: Best Model Of The World 2007 -Winner -Photo Credits: www.fms.az -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Alejandro Alamo: Shirtless

Name: Alejandro Alamo -Country: Spain -Pageant Joined: Mr. Las Palmas 2007, Mr. Spain 2008 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Serkan Tan: Headsot

Name: Serkan Tan -Country: Turkey -Pageant Joined: Best Model Of The World 2006, Manhunt International 2007 -Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.
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All photos and movies you see in this blog are not MINE. They were taken from the internet and are regarded as public domain. In case of copyright infringement, please contact me and I will delete the mentioned images right away.

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