We heard about stories of stars or models discovered when they were just walking in the street or eating in a nearby kiosk and the fairy godmother happened to pass by and vavavoom ... their magic wand worked overtime as they promised them heaven and earth .... and sprayed them gold and silver ... and the recipient of the lustful or lasting attention .... is now your matinee idol making pa-cute on screen ... or the king of the ramp drawing ooohs ... and muffled aaahs from adoring fans and supporters.
The stories had been retold ... and the events recycled ... as history repeats time and again. Talents scouts had their own way of luring who is creamy and who is dreamy in the biz. Whether it is an artista search or a men's pageant ... they never fail to bring the goods.
Starmalls ... now on its fourth year is deluged by this talent and scouts tandems wanting to test the waters... as they bring us Heatwave 2010: The Summer Bikini Showdown, a mano-a mano wrestling between models 18-25 ... models who can walk the walk, and talk the talk.
And this year, the bunch is getting crowded: Don Velasco, Enrico Sarmiento, Ivan Belmonte, Jachin Trillo, Jake Mendoza, James, Versoza, Jhon Mark Marcia, Migs Rnriquez, Paolo Esteban, Paul Duque, R-Jay Basbas, Raymonf Fortunado, and Sephore dela Cruz.
Will there be another Harry laurel in the crop? We will be waiting!
Will there be another Harry laurel in the crop? We will be waiting!