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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jose Maria Rodriguez: In Casual Wear

Name: Jose Maria Rodriguez -Country: Spain -Pageant Joined: Mr. La Gocondia 2011, Mr. Malaga 2011 -Photo Credit: mekkikadiri -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Linda Wikstedt: In Swimwear

Name: Linda Wikstedt -Country: Finland -Pageant Joined: Miss Globe International 2011
Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Aljur Abrenica: Bench Model

Name: Aljur Abrenica -Country: Philippines -Bench Model -Photo Credit: Bench -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lupita Gonzalez: Crowning Glory

Name: Lupita Gonzalez -Country: Mexico -Pageant Joined: Miss Continente Americano 2008 - Winner -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Daniel Rivero: In Swimwear

Name: Daniel Rivero -Country: Spain -State or City: Malaga -Pageant Joined: Mr. Malaga 2011- Winner -will compete at Mr. Spain 2012 -Photo Credit: Wanlu -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Milos Stosic: In Swimwear

Name: Milos Stosic -Country: Serbia -Fitness Model -Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Martin Alejandro Lopez: In Underwear

Name: Martin Alejandro Lopez -Country: Venezuela -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2010 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Chris Evans: Magazine Cover Model

Name: Chris Evans -Country: United States of America -Actor, Model, Sex Symbol -Photo Credit: GQ Magazine -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Natalia Pelak: In Gown

Name: Natalia Pelak -Country: Poland - Pageant Joined: Miss Tourism International 2011 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Yudith Jimenez: In Swimwear

Name: Yudith Jimenez -Country: Dominican Republic -Pageant Joined: Miss Globe International 2011 Photo Credit: Shamir Fersobe -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Richard Gutierrez: In Casual Wear

Name: Richard Gutierrez -Country: Philippines -Pinoy Actor, Model, TV Host -Photo Credit: Bench All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Jabel Rodriguez: In Swimwear

Name: Jabel Rodriguez -Country: Spain -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tenrife 2011- Winner , will compete at Mr. Spain 2012 -Photo Credit: Jesus Bilbao , PublyCo.com -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Joice de Andrade: Headshot

Name: Joice de Andrade -Country: Brazil -Pageant Joined: Miss Globe International 2011
-Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Beautiful Asian Men: In Pairs

Beautiful Asian Men invade the internet. Too bad some of them we don't even know their names. If you happen to know the man featured in this series, let us know by writing their names in the comment section. We would love to create a thread for them.

Schera Sydney: Shirtless

Name: Schera Sydney -Country: Switzerland -Pageant Joined: Mr. Switzerland 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Jelena Petrovic: In Swimwear

Name: Jelena Petrovic -Country: Serbia -Pageant Joined: Miss Globe International 2011
Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Bench: Uncut: A Bold Look At The Future BTS

Title: Bench Uncut: A Bold Look At The Future -Content: Bench Models -Video Souce: You Tube -Uploaded By: Bench TV -All videos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Paolo Ruiz: In Casual Wear

Name: Paolo Ruiz -Country: Bolivia -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Jorge Castillo: In Casual Wear

Name: Jorge Castillo -Country: Costa Rica -Pageant Joined: Mr. World 2012Mr. Tourism International 2012-Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Yunior Echenique: In Casual Wear

Name: Yunior Echenique -Country: Cuba -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos atre copyright to its rightful owners.

Sebastian Santos: In Casual Wear

Name: Sebastian Santos -Country: Ecuador -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Anton Duvenhage: Shirtless

Name: Anton Duvenhage -Country: South Africa -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Charlsey vander Heyde: Headshot

Name: Charlsey vander Heyde -Country: South Africa -Pageant Joined: Miss Tourism International 2011 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owner.

Tyrone Remocal Jr: In Swimwear

Name: Tyrone Remocal Jr. -Country: Philippines -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: Dan Santos: http://danwebs.multiply.com/ -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Jose Luis Polanco: In Swimwear

Name: Jose Luis Polanco -Country: Dominican Republic -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Edvins Locmelis: In Swimwear

Name: Edvins Locmelis -Country: Latvia -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012
Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Juan Gabriel Forronda: In Underwear

Name: Juan Gabriel Forronda -Country: Colombia -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: jimmylondono.com -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Rever Nunez: In Formal Wear

Name: Rever Nunez -Country: Venezuelan -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Kelvin Ramirez: In Formal Wear

Name: Kelvin Ramirez -Country: Honduras -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: Fashion Models Honduras -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Samuel Mark Kneen: In Swimwear

Name: Samuel Mark Kneen -Country: United Kindom -Pageant Joined; Mr. Gay UK 2012; Mr, Gay World 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Yunior Echenique: In Swimwear

Name: Yunior Echenique -Country: Cuba -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Austin Peck: Magazine Cover Model

Name: Austin Peck -Country: United States of America -Soapstar, Model Soap Involved: Days of Our Lives -Photo Credit: Playgirl Magazine -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Jorge Castillo: In Casual Wear

Name: Jorge Castillo -Country: Costa Rica -Pageant Joined: Mr. Costa Rica 2011; Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Samuel Cassar: In Casual Wear

Name: Samuel Cassar -Country: Malta -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012
Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Myffy Scadden McHugh: In Gown

Name: Myffy Scadden McHugh -Country: Australia -Pageant: Miss Tourism International 2011 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Tyrone Remocal Jr: In Casual Wear

Name: Tyrone Remocal Jr. -Country: Philippines -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: Dan Santos- http://danwebs.multiply.com/ -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Yoan Gonzalez: In Formal Wear

Name: Yoan Gonzalez -Country: Cuba -Pageant Joined: Manhunt International 2010; Mr. Tourism International -Photo Credits: Jorge Duva -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alejandro Zambrano: In Formal Wear

Name: Alejandro Zambrano -Country: Ecuador -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: Verona Prod -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Rever Nunez: In Swimwear

Name: Rever Nunez -Country: Venezuela -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012
Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Juan Gabriel Forronda: In Underwear

Name: Juan Gabriel Forronda -Country: Colombia -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: jimmylondono.com -all photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Yoan Gonzalez: In Casual Wear

Name: Yoan Gonzalez -Country: Cuba -Pageant Joined: manhunt International 2010, Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owner.

Jose Luis Polanco: In Casual Wear

Name: Jose Luis Polanco -Country: Dominican Republic -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credits: Roberto Nova Photography -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Anton Duvenhage: In Casual Wear

Name: Anton Duvenhage -Country: South Africa -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International
-Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Kledia Haxhaja: Headshot

Name: Kledia Haxhaja -Country: Albania -Pageant Joined: Miss Globe International 2011
Photo Credit: Edvino Matos Photography -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners

Isabella Torres: In Casual Wear

Name: Isabella Torres -Country: Portugal -Pageant Miss Teenager 2011 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Tyrone Remocal Jr: In Formal Wear

Name: Tyrone Remocal Jr. -Country: Philippines -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Drew Arellano: In Casual Wear

Name: Andrew Arellano -Country: Philippines -Actor and TV Host -Photo Source: Starmometer -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Alexander Pawles: Shirtless

Name: Alexander Pawles -Country: Belgium -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: all photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Diego Otero: Headshot

Name: Diego Otero   -Country: Spain  -Pageant Joined: Mr. Spain 2011-Winner ; Mr. World 2012 -Photo Credit: -All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yunior Echenique: In Casual Wear

Name: Yunior Echenique -Country: Cuba -Pageant Joined: Mr. Tourism International 2012 -Photo Credit: Adamir R Photography: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Celina Jaitley: In Casual Wear

Name: Celina Jaitley -Country: India Pageant Joined: femina Miss India 2002; Miss Universe 2002 -Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.
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