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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Coco Sow Winds ... And Coco Reaped A Storm!

Body shaming, as the name suggests, is shaming someone for their body shape or body type. It is a modern term recently coined and talked about especially the case of Coco Arayha Suparurk who compared the body of Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray to the body of another beauty queen and labeled them FIT & FAT.

Whatever is the motivation of Coco for doing this stunt or who egged her to do it is still a puzzle and a riddle all rolled into one. Did she ever thought about the repercussions of her action? Did she ever thought that one innocent joke or indiscretions in her instagram account will haunt her tranquility and peace of mind for the rest of her reign ... nay for the rest of her life? Did she ever thought about sowing strong winds and lightning and reaping a very fierce storm afterwards? Can she stomach cursing ... and how about "unprintables" being hurled in the four corners of her account. Did she underestimated the power of social media and how the world will crawl in her FB or instagram accounts and rub her exact words to spite or taunt her?  I guess she didn't and maybe this time she  learned her lessons the hard way.  There is no turning back now and as I see it ... it looked like this is just the beginning, a teaser of some more worst things to come in her social accounts. What a scenario ... and what a predicament.

I tried  visiting her facebook account, and for the faint-hearted I should be shaking and sweating in my boots. There was chaos and anarchy everywhere and all tempers are flying in all directions. I wish somebody will advice her not to visit the account anymore. Or better still cancel the accounts in the remainder of her reign.The situations is getting out of hand, maybe even Coco doesn't know how to diffuse the heat and the anger directed to her.

I don't condone body shaming, and I blame Coco for starting all this or whoever concocted the evil idea. But I can't also accept and allow a scenario when netizens come in groups and ransacked the account ... and bad-mouthed and trash the wounded Coco. Yes ... she did all these behavior lacking in good judgment, and maybe getting the ire of the public she might have regretted and realized how bad she did.  I admit I joined the defend Catriona Gray bandwagon to remind Coco of her excesses, but seeing the tumultuous disarray, I removed my comments to avoid putting more salt to the wound. OK guys ... lets give Coco the benefit of the doubt. Somebody said that she deserved all this whippings & I hope she will come out soon and apologized to Catriona and accept and own responsibility to her bad judgements.

Here are some of the comments/whippings she get in her Facebook account. some of the comments were edited to to tone down the heat of the moment.  You be the judge if this is already enough and decide if she deserved  the second chance.
-This is the real Catriona and the edited version designed by Cocock Arayha and Nawat, your own people hates you! Shamaless people!

-i agree it was scripted she won based on Nawat plans. For sure she will win the MGI crown to make his organization famous

-Miss,Grand Bully 2019!

 Hey you ugly thai uneducated woman how dare you to critize miss universe 2018 catriona gray, do you want to be bashed by the world for the rest of your life, then, we will do that for you, wish granted, im telling you, you will never be a queen, your a big shame to your countrymen thai people, you get that, your nothing but a bitter, ugly thai woman. 

  • Not even half of Catriona's natural beauty...sorry we prefer natural beauty

  • -Don't use the word "THAILAND" you are a shame.
  • -Just wait for ur day, someone will do the mess back, enjoy your journey fake queen #puppetqueen
  • -I think you forgot to repair you brain dear.. would you mind to have a plastic surgery again but not on the body. I think your brain and attitude badly need it. Thank me later!
  • -Stupid decision of the Judges letting this woman win. Stupid with damaged brain. She will represent their country with shame! my God! So bad for thai people.



-I am Curious to find out what next stunt Nawat will ask Coco to pull off in the next coming weeks

-You will be forever be remembered as the most famous puppet!

-Congratulations Coco on your successful transition. You are a shining beacon of hope for shemales everywhere!

-Bekla Bekla aawra ka ba, oo oo bekla sya 

-I have so much respect for transgender like you.

-Trash Queen

-Coco who? Hahaha. Before you aspire to be a beauty queen, you must learn NOT to STEREOTYPE beauty. Such type of cheap comments and act just show your INSECURITY. You're just going for media mileage, which is an evidence of SELFISHNESS but, it's EPIC FAIL. Beauty IS skin-deep, Dear. Look at you, obviously, you DON'T HAVE "it" because beauty for you is just on the SURFACE. From the REAL beauties, we PITY you.

-Congratulations coco the product of science and technology


-hahaha nose job!!!

-What will you expect from the STUPID LOOSER OF A CHEAP PAGEANT IN YOUR AREA🤣🤣🤣
-Do not ever ever Play with us,We will never stop until your last bad breath.

-Miss Crab International

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