Photo # 1 (Thanks to Jed Hill and his websites)

Photo # 2

Photo # 3

Photo # 4

Photo # 5

Photo # 6

Photo # 7

Photo #8

Photo # 9

Name: Jed Hill -Height: 5 ft and 11 inches -Nationality: American -Work: -Fitness model -Body Builder -Hobbies: -Going to gym -modelling -body building -Interests: working out, nutrition -Agency: R and L Agency New York City -Mate of the Month Contender: DNA Magazine -For the Month of September 2008 -Photographer: Jon Malinowski -Photo Credits: Jon Malinowski -Links: -News Item from an Email: -Jed Hill performs at Club Risque at New Jersey and Philly. Please watch the show.
Tell me more about his. Is he still performing at the club, where else might he be found performing, how about the most recent pictures etc. Love this guys looks