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Talk Smart

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

To The Top Hopefuls

1. Nino Gragera

2. Sanbert Valdez

3. Alec Napone

4.Chin Valdez
5. Nathaniel Nuarin

6. Aerone Mendoza

Showbusiness is not for the faint-hearted. The place is like a jungle, one false move and if you are not dead ... you're doomed. The young hopefuls of GMA's To The Top have realized this ... so before embarking in the task they made some research and did their homework. They know too that the competition is stiff (the candidates tried to reinvent themselves with their looks and clothes and utilized some antics and gimmicks ... just to get noticed and eventually get the nod of the judges). They also know that in order for them to pull through, they have to have the looks, and if they have the talent, that is an added guarantee ... nay ...  warranty ... for success.

This is the reason why talent managers demands from these young dreamers nothing but perfection. Their discourse usually is punctuated with words of wisdom"  that WINNING IS THE ONLY THING! They will bore you with one liners like "there is no turning back ... once you joined this contest ... there is no path we have to tread but WIN." And then they added, " This is one rare chance for you to shine ...don't waste that opportunity... so get your act together." Most of you will just keep quiet and roll their eyes and allow them to fart this unsolicited soliloquy but one teen author wants to beg to differ with his opinion. 

In his essay on winning vs losing in sports the author states: "Winning is great but losing is also important. Losing teaches you lessons that winning can’t. Also when a manager is demanding like this, it puts an enormous amount of pressure on his talents." 

"What is winning without losing? It wouldn’t be the same if you had never felt the agony of a loss. If you spent your whole life winning, it would become habit and you’d lose your passion for the game. But when you throw in a few losses, it makes winning feel much better. Losing is never fun, but when you beat a team who has previously beaten you, it feels grand."

Indeed this advice is what the young hopefuls above needs.  It doesn't mean that if you didn't make the cut. you will sing your swan song to your dreams.  Polish your craft and maybe ... just maybe ... there will be similar contest in the future maybe the path to success that time will be an easy journey - smooth sailing and less bumpy!

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