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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Pageant Candidates:Mr. International Philippines 2008 Part 2

Photo #1 Aaron Jimeno

Photo #2 Dennis Torres Photo #2 Edouard George Photo # 3 John Bardo Espiritu Photo # 4 Ian Leonil Porlayagan Photo # 5 Jeff Surio Photo # 6- Juan Lorenzo Quitiquit Photo # 7- Leo Reyes Photo # 8- Marvin Miranda Photo # 9 Norman Mallare Photo # 10 - Philip Ramos Photo # 11 - Ryan Roberts Photo # 12- Bryan Baculi Photo # 13- Christian Cayabyab Photo # 14- Mike Lee Photo # 15 - Ricswartz Sibal

THE HEAT IS ON! At least fifteen of young and handsome men made it to the finals of this years Mr. International Philippines 2008. From a group of more than 33 wannabees, they were trimmed down to half ... to give you more chance to see each one of them upclose and personal!
Garbed in plain shirts and denim pants only, the camera of Ian Felix Alquiros and partner Dan Santos (two moving giants behind The Men's Room) has never seen enough clicks and camera flashes to their memory.
Kibitzers to the photo shoot swear that this year's MIP questers promises a slambang competetion on male beauty, talent and intellegence.
Another onlooker heralded the group as the fresh and the youthful batch, and it poses to be the biggest assembly of good looking studs and pups. Young and restless faces, bolder and more daring ... makes MIP 2008 a campaign like no other.
Judge for yourself then ... as we invite you to witness who among these men will represent our country In the Mr International contest to be held in Taiwan sometime in October. We did it once before when Alexander Aquino wowed the world when he bested a bevy of world's finest Adonises. This year may not be different.
So see you on September 1, 2008 at A. Venue Mall (7829 Makati Avenue corner Valdez St. Makati, Metro Manila). The contest will start at 7 PM. See you there ...
Photo Credits:-Mr. International Philippines 2008- Mr. Mike Lim -Ian Felix Alquiros -Dan Santos -The Men's Room

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