Knowing that the future looked bleak for him, he started accepting indie films (independent films with short budgets) and the was the start. Masahe was just a lighted ember which was fanned by virtue of its quality despite its meager budget. His star shone when Masahe lured him to intertnational stardoom and the film was shown from any known film festivals abroad reaping critical and box office success in the process.
After a years time, his monicker became the "king of indie films". He was then offered an afternoon melodrama where he was given a meaty role of a town mayor opposite Roxanne Guinoo. His presence was felt and his acting performance was noticed.
Then came the Tayong Dalawa role that catapulted the three male lead stars Coco, Gerald and Jake to stars of promising acting calibers. Gerald and Jake did their part superlatively, but Coco didn't fliched and acted with much gusto you could almost feel the role, and for every pain he encountered as the "other brother" you were treated a performance than can equate the acting prowess of the great Nora Aunor. His eyes speaks and act ... and the recent acting trophy from Star Awards is an evidence of his depth and his acting talent.
This is just the start for Coco Martin, and we know he is going to fill up his living room with mammoth trophies- something that speaks greatness! Move over John Lloyd Cruz, Piolo Pascual and Luis Manzano. This diminutive star will surely give you a run for acting trophies in the next awards derby!
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